Another Day of Exploring and Connecting

Written by: Esam Chen, Social Work and Social Development 

It's now a week since we arrived in Norway, and we are now well situated at Breivoll Farm. Last night I got notification that my vehicle was possibly broken into, and I deeply appreciated everyone on the trip helping me out. Despite the shock, I have decided to put it behind me and enjoy my time here in Norway.

Leaving the farm for Oslo

We had another day of possible adventures, so a group of us went back into Oslo to further explore the city. After a rather stressful night of tracking my vehicle, we decided to visit the University Botanical Garden. It is a place where I could take my mind off all the stress and stop and smell the roses. The garden was filled with different plants from many different places around the world. It gives the feeling of nature in the busy city where people can slow down their pace and enjoy a moment of peace. We also got to see little pieces of history within the garden, different formations of rocks, and fossils in the geographic museum within the garden. Overall this place was full of life and history waiting for people to discover, especially the flowers and small streams. The garden is a living museum and key to the conservation of threatened or vulnerable Norwegian plants.

Kobe enjoys one of several waterfalls at the botanical gardens.

After the garden, many of us were feeling a bit snacky, so the group dispersed and went separate ways. I went off to a local restaurant and had some delicious spicy chicken and rice, and afterward I also got some tea as well. Later, I rejoined the group at a local market and enjoyed looking at some home made jewelry and crafts, where Jessica bought some nice presents for her family. Later we met up with our professors who were leading the other group visiting the Labor Museum at the bus station to go back to the farm for dinner at 5pm, since our adventure with a newly built sauna was at 6pm.

The sauna was just finished the day before by Tore. We had the honor to be the first people to ever use the sauna. It was quite nice, just a bit hot for me. Kobe and everyone else seemed to quite enjoy the warmth. After the sauna a few of the class members choose to jump into the water to cool off.

Inside Tore's sauna

As it got closer to the end for the day, we chose to hang out in the hammock room, enjoy some good company, and play UNO. We shared opinions on our favorite parts of the trip and our own past trips. We shared stories and good vibes, enjoyed some drinks, shared our joys. Tonight as a group we got to know each other on a deeper emotional level. 

Hanging out in the hammock room 

During the day, as we were walking in the garden we embraced the peace of nature in the busy streets of the city and now we end the day embracing each other's stories.

Have a goodnight!

For more photos and content, follow us on Instagram: @tilenorway2024. 









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