Free Day: Find what fills you

Written by: Jessica Dowless, Social Welfare and Social Development
Each day our legs are moving before our eyes are fully opened. Itineraries, meeting times, group message threads, train schedules; seemingly every moment consumed with responsibilities and commitments. Some responsibilities stem from course-related expectations, where others are accounted for by social obligation— predominantly self-imposed or rooted in FOMO (fear of missing out). Our social batteries depleted along with our bodies, our personalities more varied than the breakfast options at the Anker Hotel, and yet we are still drawn to one another, and to each adventure or new experience we are presented with. 

We are busy, we are drained, we are learning, we are together. 

Free Day at Breivoll Farm

View from cabin window

The alarm clocks go off and there is already a palpable shift in the atmosphere. This morning feels different, something new is present: choice. We can choose to hit “snooze” or to wake up right away, choose whether or not we attend breakfast, choose whether to show up ready for the day or in pajamas, and choose how we want to fill ourselves up on this day.

View from the hammock

What fills you?

For some there is an immense release on this day, permission granted to reunite with inner peace and reclaim restfulness with nothing else expected of us. For others there is a mild internal disarray, a disorientating lack of order that impairs the ability to function without direction or plan. For a few members of the team rest meant movement of body, to reach stillness of mind; hiking, running, solo wandering— while others took the space to sleep in their cozy beds or hammocks and rest their bodies or meditate. Some of our eternal adventurers took to the city and embraced daytime exploration or city night life, further expanding their travel “must-do” list as well as their circles of newfound local friends. And a few were simply lead by their cravings to delicious city meals and quests to track down their favourite soul-filling treats! Fulfillment is subjective and a beautiful diversity to witness among this group. 

Tree friend

My Choice

Dr. Simon Kennedy Beames’ talk on Friluftsliv inspired me to embrace outdoor living and lean into this Norwegian way of life during this time of choice and rest. From the moment we arrived at Breivoll Farm there was a specific tree that spoke to me. I immediately referred to it as my “tree of solitude” and this day is the opportunity to form a true connection with this mighty entity. To find quiet and refill my cup, I ventured to it and spent some quiet time appreciating the duality of its strength and softness. As I observed the blades of grass reaching up in almost worshipful state towards my new arboreal friend, I felt grounded and inspired. I allowed my body to be drawn inward and upward— before I knew it I had climbed up and found a spot nestled into the strong branches, offering me the hug I’d be longing for while missing my inner circle back home. As my body was being surrounded and supported by strength, my eyes took notice of the soft leaves all around gracefully bending to the will of the breeze. To travel together we must learn from this magnificent life form; we must borrow the strength and stability of the trunk and branches, while maintaining the grace, flexibility, and resiliency of its leaves to be adaptable to the unrelenting curveballs that will inevitably continue to come our way.

Manuel and Rikke hug

Building Connections 

Later in the day, Manuel and Natalya presented Rikke, one of the lovely ladies at the Farm, with a gift as we wouldn’t see her again throughout our stay. The tender moment of appreciation for one another was magnetic. 

Tore's sauna

Tore showed us the incredible sauna he made by hand and invited us to be the first to ever try it tomorrow.  A tangible reciprocity and warmth emanated through these exchanges and our bonds with these incredible hosts: Anne & Tore, Rikke, Catia and Astrid, deepened significantly today. 

Together Through Trial

At the end of our rest day one of our teammates received a notification that his car may be being broken into at Pearson Airport. He was going through an immense amount of stress and panic, but the team assembled. Looking up numbers online for him, giving him advice, reaching out to personal contacts and just being any kind of support needed. We sat around the fire and worked together until we reached a point of peace. Fire and friendship. 

The strongest bonds are forged in fire.

For more photos and content, follow us on Instagram: @tilenorway2024. 









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