Pre-Departure: Packing and Unpacking for Norway

Written by: Trinity Tuulos, Nursing

With my previous experience traveling and backpacking, I didn’t anticipate to experience such feelings of anxiety. As I write this, we are driving towards the Pearson Airport, rain beats at the windshield of the van and my heart pounds in my chest. No two trips are the same, so why should my feelings about the trip be the same? So while packing for this trip, I was also working on unpacking the feelings and expectations regarding both this trip and course.

In preparation for the trip I attended lectures and sought out readings on environmental justice and Sami culture. I want to feel prepared to garner the most knowledge possible from the learning experiences. Coming from a nursing background, with a focus on Indigenous health, my understanding on environmental justice was limited and specific to these lenses, leaving me feeling a bit beyond my breadth at first. I found the seminars presented by guest speakers, Dr. Reade Davis and Maurice Switzer were especially helpful in introducing me to the history of environmental justice, current concepts and what we can anticipate in the future. I was introduced to concepts such as the new frontier in capitalism, dove into the history of national parks and furthered my understanding of nature through a Canadian Indigenous perspective. 

When I struggled with how the concepts and assignment styles differed from my previous learning experiences, I found clarity and support in my classmates, especially my project partner, Atlas. We met to formulate a research project that would combine both their interest in cultural revitalization and mine for land-based programming to promote health in Indigenous populations.

Throughout the beginning of this course our professors not only reiterated their desire to support us in the class but also connected us with mental health resources to address the emotions that may come with such a course. At the time, I didn’t think I’d find them necessary, but now as the trip feels equally inevitable and unknown, I’m appreciating knowing where I can find support.

As we near the airport, my anxiety also gives way to excitement. Recognizing how I have been preparing for this trip and the people supporting me at each stage, I feel both nervousness for the unknown and excitement for the opportunities ahead.

For more photos and content, follow us on Instagram: @tilenorway2024








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