Written by: Katelyn Macintosh, Sociology Our last morning in Oslo started with a bittersweet feeling and a hint of excitement about returning home. The day began bright and early at 3:45 am, which can be challenging as rising just before the sun is always a bit of a struggle. I was extremely grateful for our decision to take the shuttle to the airport. My bag felt full of bricks, and the thought of hauling it to the bus station was terrifying. The shuttle seemed like a minor miracle. Everyone in the group felt this because I had one of the lighter bags. Some other people's bags were almost as big as their persons, so I'm not sure how they did it; they must have super strength. As we boarded the plane to Copenhagen, I felt a pang of sadness leaving beautiful Norway behind, especially Oslo. But at the same time, I was excited to head home. Norway, you've been fantastic, but it's time to get back to reality. The flight home We found ourselves with a four-hour layover in Co...